Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Early Fathers Day Shout Out! Part 1

So I wanted to highlight the special Fathers that I know and love. First..... My Hubby Josh, and Father of my two strapping young lads.
Things that are special about Josh are;
he can eat more dried fruit and fresh fruit in one sitting that ANYONE on the planet. (without getting sick) Challengers welcome.
When he sets his mind to something he does it and does it well.
He makes me laugh everyday! Those people that know him know that he just says funny words, half the time he's not trying to be funny. I love it!
He never spends money, I like to spend his share.
He is a hard worker, but also enjoys relaxing and watching the history channel.
He's really organized.
He get's along and can talk to anyone.
He screws the lids on tight when I leave them loose.
He loves to cuddle.

He loves his two boys! So much that he might not want anymore for a while :)
He loves me, that's what I love most.
Happy Father's Day!


The Hardy's said...

we're now officially blog buddies :) what a sweet post. your family is so cute. i especially liked the pictures of your son running around butt naked in the backyard and poop surprises everywhere. can't wait to potty train!

a-anderson said...

Love Josh. He is sooo funny. Everything he says makes me laugh. He is a great dad. Hope he has a happy father's day.

The Wyatt's said...

What a good guy. Happy Father's day Josh!

The Funky Bunch said...

That's awesome and he is a great guy! Man, those Funk men!! We sure are lucky, aren't we??

Jana Dille said...

Great post. I think I may steal this idea!!:)

Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

I was laughing so hard at the fruit comment! And I agree I could listen to him forever because he just says the funniest things like you said without even trying to be funny! Happy Father's Day.