Thursday, July 24, 2008

Funny little guy

I am starting to think that JJ is a pretty funny character. I wanted to hurry and post this story before I forget. When we drove down to Utah we stopped in Ogden so I could do a modbe party there, so Josh took the boys to Mcdonalds to eat and play on the playground. Josh was sitting there while the boys were playing and he thought he heard JJ yell that he needed to go pee, but he couldn't really tell if it was him because it was one of those playgrounds with a ton of little tunnels and once a kid goes up in the playground you can't really get to them.
SO.... before long he saw JJ come up above in one of the openings and he was naked, he had taken his pull up off. Josh said you could hear all the kids screaming "watch out for that diaper" or "don't let the diaper touch you" They all just continued to play, until the diaper made it's way down the slide.
I thought Josh handled it well, I would have been freaking out. I guess JJ just kind of played for a while till Josh was able to reach him.

I sure hope they sanitize the playground :)

Favorite quote by J.J.
(saw the candy dispenser for the first time at Josh's office)
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking."


Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

I can't get over that playground incident! ha ha! Aren't you glad it was Josh with them and not you! J.J. is really so funny. I love being around him because he always makes me laugh!

a-anderson said...

That is too funny. Remind me to tell you what he said today. It was so funny.

The Funky Bunch said...

That is hilarious!! That's funny he took his clothes off!! Gotta love that. I would have been freaking out too, but dads seem to stay more calm in those types of situations! Must be a man thing!! I love that quote, it's so cute. I sometimes wish I knew what they were thinking!!