Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun

Buzz and Woody

Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda

We found Grandpa and Gentry out trick or treating

We won Funniest costumes

Boys taking a sugar break on our neighbors lawn

Me and my boys

JJ's Preschool Party

My little Woody


Jesse, Hailey, Max and Boston said...

love the costumes you came up with!! You guys look great!!

Kassidy said...

Oh my heck!!!! That is so funny! I can't believe you wore that! You do look great though...and Josh looks EXACTLY like Richard Simmons. I don't know if that is a good thing!!! haha!

paulak said...

Nice costumes. I am impressed that you could wear that and get away with it....I mean, look that fantastic.

Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

SO funny! Looks like you had a fun Halloween!

Jess said...

Cute costumes... I especially love the Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda ones. HILARIOUS!!!

Lyssa said...

What a fun Halloween, your cute boys are getting so big!

a-anderson said...

I love all the costumes! Josh must really love you to agree to wear that outfit!:)