Monday, November 16, 2009

modbe is going out of business!

so I KINDA saw it coming, but it's still a bummer. Modbe is going out of business. I've been selling for over 3 years and have had great success and so much fun with it. So I am a little sad not to mention annoyed because I do have some inventory I need to sell. So if anyone wants anything from modbe, they are having some killer sales right now to try and get rid of EVERYTHING. I have all the sizes of Jeans so if you want to try anything on please contact me. Tell your friends and family, this is the last time they will be able to buy the jeans and swim suits that everyone seems to love from modbe. Go to my website
if you want to make me feel better just feel free to spend thousands of dollars on my website, that should help. ;)

In a way I'm actually looking forward to being done with it. I feel like I've had more than enough going on right now, so it will be good to have some down time :)