Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ho Ho Ho It's Christmas, He He He it's Here, Ha Ha Ha it's Christmas, My Favorite time of Year!

Another Christmas, come and gone. We had a lot of fun celebrating with the Funk's.

Here are the boys

Watching Uncle Jeremy play Wii

Carter playing with his favorite Christmas toy

JJ sharing his Christmas treats with Carter

Me and JJ

arter playing with his mini Buzz lightyear

Josh and JJ in an intense sword fight

Opening presents

JJ seeing his swords for the first time.

JJ's favorite gifts were all his little figurines and his swords
Carter loved his Bus and everything that JJ liked
Me and Josh got some money to continue building up our food storage and a couple Bumbles watches
Josh got his NBA all league pass, so he can watch all his basketball games. ya!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Funk Family Weekend of Fun Minus the Fun

We decided to pack up the family and go to park city with some good friends. We got a smokin deal because we signed up to do the time share presentation. I had dreams of it being so much fun; eating out, swimming, playing in the snow, shopping at the outlets, and just hanging out with friends.
Well to be honest.... Iam going to sound like such a brat but.... It was HORRIBLE! Now that it's over it doesn't seem so bad, but when we were there all I wanted to do was come home. The weather was so bad, our rooms were SO small, JJ decided to throw the worst tantrums I have EVER seen. I felt so bad for the people next to us because JJ was up till after midnight screaming (and he has a loud voice) "I want my stripe bed!" and "My poo is coming!" and "This doesn't look like our house!"
I feel like we didn't even see our friends.

SO, we decided we would love to do it again, but without the kiddos. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, they are great and make me smile everyday. They just didn't make things very fun.
I sound like such a brat. OH WELL. Just being honest.

Okay, I'll be positive now.... Gas was so cheap we had to take a picture And it's dropped a lot since then. It was a very economical trip.

I think the boys MIGHT have had fun. I'm not sure though.

The best part of the trip.... going home with two sleeping boys.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today I learned......

That it's possible to go into Costco, get ONLY the 3 items you went in for, check out, and be back in your car in 16 minutes flat. That's with two kids!
Amazing don't ya think?

A little late on my Thanksgiving post

Thanksgiving weekend was so great this year. Here are some pictures of the festivities.

I love these girls, I consider them my sisters

We celebrated Josh's dad's 53 birthday!

We tried to take family pitures, as the family grows so does the amount of pictures you have to take..... and you still don't get a good one. Oh well, this is such a REAL picture

The Family!

I shot a gun for the first time, it was a Thanksgiving miracle I didn't shoot SOMEONE.... seriously!

The kids table before the feast

The pretty grown up table

The woman who makes it all possible. She is such a great partier!