Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A little late on my Thanksgiving post

Thanksgiving weekend was so great this year. Here are some pictures of the festivities.

I love these girls, I consider them my sisters

We celebrated Josh's dad's 53 birthday!

We tried to take family pitures, as the family grows so does the amount of pictures you have to take..... and you still don't get a good one. Oh well, this is such a REAL picture

The Family!

I shot a gun for the first time, it was a Thanksgiving miracle I didn't shoot SOMEONE.... seriously!

The kids table before the feast

The pretty grown up table

The woman who makes it all possible. She is such a great partier!


Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

Thanksgiving was so much fun! I love J.J. in the kid picture! He cracks me up.

a-anderson said...

It was so fun. We miss you guys!

The Wyatt's said...

Looks like you have some fun in laws. How nice that you have them close.

The Funky Bunch said...

Looks like a great Thanksgiving! I can't believe that was your first time shooting a gun! Crazy? Did you like it? I think it's pretty fun...it takes a while to get used to! The kids' pic is so funny and so typical!