Monday, June 8, 2009

Why I am slipping into a deep depression.....

okay... this might end up being a long post... I'm not sure yet... we'll see.
so basically I'm really not depressed... but I might be on the verge ;)

I am pretty much the worst blogger on the planet... no one will ever look at my blog again because it's been so long since I've posted, and let's face it, that's the funnest part is reading people's comments.. AM I RIGHT?!?!

My camera broke about 2 months ago... haven't gotten a new one yet. I'm getting anxiety over it because I've missed out on precious moments.

I don't have a cell phone... that would pretty much put anyone into a depressed state these days

My pants started to get tight about a month ago... I totally gained some weight from eating too many high calorie snacks... and a few too many over flowing bowls of cereal late at night.

well okay, now I'm just trying to make up some more negative things.
REALLY things are going well.. pretty much. I just thought I would hurry and post something since I've been avoiding my blog for a few months now due to guilt and shame from not posting. Thanks to the friends and family that have been harassing me about my blog.... this post is for you guys!!!

Here's some guilt and shame for ya.....If you care about me at all, I will expect you to leave a comment, help me get motivated to blog again.


Andi said...

Gilly! You are too funny. I love honest bloggers. Makes my day. And even if you did gain some weight it is probably a good thing because youre so tiny!

krista said...

you are hilarious! sorry about your camera, that would be hard to blog without pictures, so i understand.

hey we really need to get together with you guys. we'll have to try and meet up this summer sometime, it has been TOO LONG!

Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

Okay, I say buy a new camera..can you say office max (if you get my drift :) Then get rid of your house phone and get a cell phone! Life will be better! I am glad we live closer to you guys now!

a-anderson said...

It is good to hear from you again after a couple of months! Just break down and get a new camera it is a necessity and while you are at it why not a cell phone too.:)

Jamilyn said...

Keep blogging Gilly! I love to read about your life!!

Barb said...

I read your blog! Its right on my google reader list. Sorry about your camera! I know I have a hard time posting without pics too.

Lindsey said...

girl, you know i care!

Lanie said...

I honestly thought you had disappeared or something... its usually you bugging me to post....

Kassidy said...

You need to get an extra cell phone!!! Isn't it only like 10$ extra a month to add on??? Just stop eating so much cereal and maybe you can afford one!! haha! And it's ok if you post without pics...I still love to hear about your crazy life! Love ya:)

Kadee, Dustan, and the Kids said...

Gilly!! I love and miss you! How are you? How is the family!?

The Wyatt's said...

Well looks like you really do have a lot of people that check up on your blog. Guess you better keep it up! I say you need to buy a camera too. Definitely a necessity. And if you did gain any weight I couldn't tell. I think you look great. Maybe it was muscle from all the running we've been doing. =)

Shellie and Bryan said...

Hey Gilly-
I just wanted to see if you were interested in getting involved with a great company called Efusjon. They do a healthier energy drink, but the compensation plan is what is really great about them. Its a great way to make some extra cash from home!
Watch this video and let me know what you think :)

Love ya,