Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What's wrong with a Mullet

So I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about JJ's hair. It's so corse, it sticks straight up no matter what I try to do. As seen in this picture, the early phases of the mullet have started. It's hard to see, but it's getting pretty long in the back and he has a little bit of a tail in the picture. He could seriously rock the best mullet with his corse hair. It would be perfect. I am at a crossroads right now, do I cut it for summer? Or do I let it grow into the BEST mullet you've ever seen on a 2 year old?


Olivia said...

My daughter has the biggest mullet. I had the scissors out about to cut it off the other day when my husband walked in and yelled "no!" He doesn't want me to cut it. I guess I'll just let it grow until it is long enough to do pigtails. If she were a boy I would probably buzz it though, especially in the summer. I wish I could shave my hair off when it gets hot.

Katie Bell said...

I Vote For the Mullet!!!

a-anderson said...

I say grow the mullet!