Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Following the Spirit

So last night while Josh was out golfing I decided to shred some papers, something we NEVER do. Josh usually just takes a bag full and burns them, but last night I thought I would get rid of the pile sitting on our counter. So while I was shredding I had to run and grab something for JJ real quick (literally 2 seconds) and as I come around the corner Carter is shredding a paper for me and down went his precious little finger into the sharp teeth of the shredder. I couldn't get the shredder to stop so I ripped it out of the wall. Seeing that Carters little finger was jammed in there pretty good, and hearing that he was in a lot of pain I didn't know what to do. Our phone wasn't working for some reason so I ran out the door calling for JJ to follow me and I ran to the neighbors across the street. Carter was histarical, and I wasn't the calmest mother in the world either. They helped me pry Carter finger out, it took two men to do it. I was so glad that they were there.
AND the neat part is, today my neighbor came by to see if Carter was okay, and he told me that last night they were on their way to the store to get some lids to can tomatoes. And the wife had a strong feeling that they should turn around and go home, they were almost to the store but they did turn back and decided to just do the tomatos another day. They had only been home a few minutes before I came barging in with Carter. I'm sure glad they listened to the spirit and were able to help me and Carter, especially since Josh wasn't home and I didn't know what to do. What awesome neighbors huh?

Carters finger is a little torn up, but after much consideration we decided against stitches. It looks great today and he is as happy as ever.


Mandi said...

AHHHH Gilly i don't know what I would have done! That is so scary! I love your neighbors! I'm glad he is healing ok withour stitches!

So i am not playing this weekend and i am so sad! On Monday i was playing in the Murray league and sprained my thumb pretty bad! I thought it was broken for sure the way it swelled up so fast! It is all different colors now! In the insta care all I could think about was not playing on Friday. i'm so sad! Are you still coming down here?

krista said...

Oh man, those shredders FREAK ME OUT! I always have to make sure mine is unplugged and the safety switch on, because I have heard HORROR stories about them. I'm SO glad he didn't get seriously injured, and that he's ok!

That is awesome that your neighbors were home too!

Jana Dille said...

that is an awesome story! Well I mean the part about following the spirit. I'm glad he's okay.

Curtis and Whitney Giles said...

Ouch! Glad little Carter is okay. I can't believe I am going to have a little one soon and am going to have to safety proof everything!

Lyssa said...

I can't imagine what I would do in that situation. I am so glad that Carter is okay! That was good thinking on your part to run across the street. What a neat story!

The Funky Bunch said...

OMG, I got the chills again! That is just so crazy. That's awesome that you have such great neighbors like that who are close to the spirit and can receive promptings like that. How awesome. I'm so glad he's ok. Those shredders scare me so bad! They're dangerous! Sounds like both of you were very brave!

Lanie said...

Your child needs constant attention. He always has the most mischevious look on his face! I'm glad he is doing better!

a-anderson said...

Whitney told me about that, and I was sick to my stomach. It is amazing what can happen in just a few seconds. I would have been totally freaking out!!!!!! Hope he will be okay.

Gentry said...

Poor little carter :( I love that little guy!!

And jj: "gen, i'm wearing my SQUARE pants." hahahaha

The Wyatt's said...

Wow Carter's had a rough time this last little while! I'm glad the neighbors where there to help. That's a neat story. Makes me want to be more "in tune". It's a good reminder that heavenly father is aware of us.

Stephens Family said...

WOW! That makes me so sad. I am glad that everything is ok. I love my neighbors also, what would we do without them?

Lisa Harradine said...

Hey Gilly I made my blog private if you e-mail me your e-mail address I will send you an invite. E-mail me at